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A Journey
to the Highest

Reflection & Inner Peace


about Julia Lippitsch


Energy in movement

Originale Werke

Fine Art Prints
coming soon

Commission Art

Vision by Julia Lippitsch

Spiritual Growth for a New World

In her vision, Julia Lippitsch’s art promotes spiritual growth for a new world. A world where each individual is aware of their inner strength and uses it with love, self-responsibility, and mindfulness to create a harmonious and respectful coexistence.


The artist's mission

Awakening of the Spirit

My artworks are powerful visual experiences and tools for transformation and healing. They serve as oases in the hectic everyday life, providing spaces for inner centering and spiritual growth towards a more mindful tomorrow.

Ju-Li News


Exhibitions & Events


Exhibition - Congress Innsbruck

4. Oktober from 18:30 | Congress Innsbruck (private party)


Charity EXHIBITION - krebshilfe tirol

Vernissage 16th May from 18:00 | Burg Hasegg | Finissage 12th September

Thomson Gallery

Exhibited artwork | Mountain Sunset | May 2024, Zug - Swizzerland

casa del Arte palma

Exhibited artwork | Perfect Flow | May 2024, Palma - Spain

Cipriarte venezia gallery

Exhibited artwork | Tiroler Adler | May 2024, Venedig - Italy


Mag.(FH) Julia Lippitsch, MA

Finkenbergweg 36, 6020 Innsbruck
+43 (0) 699 111 203 62

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