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Originals from the Series "RAIDHO"

Original works by Ju-Li are available upon request.

The artistic series *Raidho*, inspired by the rune of the same name, symbolizes the path, journey, and movement. This series consists of figurative depictions of people in dynamic motion, exploring majestic mountain landscapes. Whether climbing steep rock faces or skiing through pristine powder snow, the works capture the essence of adventure, freedom, and a deep connection to nature. *Raidho* invites the viewer to experience the power and beauty of human movement in the mountains and to draw inspiration from the unstoppable journey.


Originale Werke

Fine Art Prints
coming soon

Commission Art

Ju-Li News


Exhibitions & Events


Exhibition - Congress Innsbruck

4. Oktober from 18:30 | Congress Innsbruck (private party)


Charity EXHIBITION - krebshilfe tirol

Vernissage 16th May from 18:00 | Burg Hasegg | Finissage 12th September

Thomson Gallery

Exhibited artwork | Mountain Sunset | May 2024, Zug - Swizzerland

casa del Arte palma

Exhibited artwork | Perfect Flow | May 2024, Palma - Spain

Cipriarte venezia gallery

Exhibited artwork | Tiroler Adler | May 2024, Venedig - Italy


Mag.(FH) Julia Lippitsch, MA

Finkenbergweg 36, 6020 Innsbruck
+43 (0) 699 111 203 62

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